Digitalization and IT Personnel’s Role in Business Administration
The digital era we live in has led to revolutionary transformations in all functions of businesses. These major transformations have also transformed the management system. It has become mandatory for businesses to apply digital business methods in order to be successful in competition because, with traditional methods, it is no longer possible for businesses to compete in the market. Numerous factors accelerate the transition to digital human resource management in businesses. These factors are, generally: rapid development in information technology; business process restructuring; the rise of network organizations; an increase in management speed; the increasing importance of knowledge workers; and globalization. The rapid change in business life necessitates a shift in business design.There is a rapid transformation in personnel selection and recruitment, training, performance measurement, wage management, and industrial relations.The main purpose of this study is to explain the importance of digitalization and information technology personnel in businesses with a comparative example. At the same time, it is to demonstrate that digital human resource management is important for business management. Another purpose is to explain the advantages digital human resource management provides to businesses and personnel. The study will likely contribute to the steps taken on the path of digitalization. Data from the ILO (International Labor Organization) were used in this study. In this study, the case-research design, one of the qualitative research methods, was preferred. The obtained data were analyzed using the content analysis method. In addition, the relative importance of IT personnel for the business is explained. Therefore, it is hoped that this study will contribute to the literature)

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