Synergy Improves Literature and Inclusion in Indonesian Islamic Banking
Based on OJK data, the literacy index ranges from 8.93% or far below the conventional bank index, which is 38.03%. Meanwhile, the Islamic financial inclusion index only reached 9.1% or below the conventional bank index of 76.19%. Low financial literacy results in the development of the stock market of the Islamic financial services industry being relatively small, which is only 9.9% of the assets of the national financial industry. Therefore, by looking at the literacy and inclusion index problem of Bank Syariah Indonesia, the researcher aims to find out what synergy is being done in increasing the financial literacy and inclusion of Bank Syariah Indonesia.
The type of research used is qualitative research, using descriptive methods. In this research, the data collection technique used is observation and literature study, and the data is presented in descriptive form without being processed by data reduction analysis techniques, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. This research is expected to provide information about the synergy to increase financial literacy and inclusion at Bank Syari’ah Indonesia.

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