Collaborative HRM Strategies and Marketing Strategies as Efforts to Maximize Competitive Advantages for SMEs in Tourism Industry in East Java

  • Adya Hermawati Universitas Widyagama Malang
  • Abimanyu Tuwuh Sembhodo Universitas Indonesia
Keywords: Quality of Work Life, Spiritual Marketing, Market Orientation, Competitive Advantages


This study aims to analyze hypotheses about quality of work life, spiritual marketing, market orientation, and competitive advantages. This research employed quantitative research. The data were analyzed using the variance-based structural equation modeling (SEM) approach, usually known as the partial least-square program. The research object and population were the SMEs in Tourism Industry in East Java. This research involved 1320 respondents. The types of data in this study were primary and secondary data, derived from internal and external data. The data were collected using research questionnaires. This research has revealed five major results. First, quality of work life affects market orientation. Second, spiritual marketing does not affect market orientation. Third, quality of work life, spiritual marketing, and market orientation affect competitive advantages. Fourth, quality of work life mediated by market orientation affects competitive advantages. Spiritual marketing mediated by market orientation does not affect competitive advantages for SMEs in Tourism Industry in East Java.
