Recording Batik Motifs as an Effort to Strengthen Business Profiles and Competitive Advantages

  • Farika Nikmah Politeknik Negeri Malang
  • Thariq Hidayatullah Politeknik Negeri Malang
  • Yuniarta Dwi Nurhakiki Politeknik Negeri Malang
  • Theo Vanda Estapa Rangga Politeknik Negeri Malang
Keywords: SMEs, batik craftsmen, recorded document, business profile, competitive advantages


Abstract— Currently, SMEs are businesses that involve many people; this phenomenon also occurs in Indonesia. It is time for SMEs to move up a class with management for sustainable business. SMEs are not a short-lived business, which quickly disappear, they must start thinking adaptively and face competition with their unique advantages. Like batik SMEs, almost all regions of Indonesia have batik craftsmen with their characteristics. Therefore, every craftsmen must have the courage to display their unique characteristics to be distinct from the others. Each region has motif characteristics in accordance with local wisdom and regional potential. When talking about motifs, the phenomenon that occurs is that only a few batik craftsmen document them. So, batik craftsmen do not dare to claim that they created this motif. Therefore, this research tries to inspire batik craftsmen to consciously be willing to document batik motifs into a record, which can later be used as a business profile and competitive advantage. The research was conducted on one of the batik craftsmen in Malang Regency, namely Batik Bambu Kenanga. The sequence of research actions followed the action research approach. Research shows that the act of making batik motifs as recorded documents can strengthen the business profile and create a competitive advantage with fellow batik craftsmen and large companies.
