Determining Factors Influencing Purchase Intention for International Apparel Brand among Generation Y

  • Mazwina Hanim binti Abu Bakar Politeknik Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz
  • Ruzanna binti Jubaidi Politeknik Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz


The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors influencing purchase intention for international apparel brand among Generation Y. The brand image and perceived quality were hypothesized to be related with international apparel which in turn, was deemed to be related with purchase intention. Generation Y was the focus in this study because it has appeared as an important marketing category in the international market and it has the most purchasing power. The data from 384 respondents were collected for this study through self-administered questionnaires to test the hypothesized relationships. Results showed that the brand image and perceived quality are significant predictors of international apparel brand among Generation Y.
